
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Call me lolololol

Mmk. If you're going to leave a phone number on a receipt, be serious about it. Would you like it if a hot person left you a number and then said "JK"? Also, if said number is left on a receipt where there are numerous workers, it becomes public domain. If it's supposed to be private, well, it's not. (Just like Facebook! Oh, wait...that's "private," too, isn't it?) Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure you want to be done with college life? The real world isn't any's like people are frozen in high-school personalities. I was eating in the MUSC cafeteria the other day and a bunch of middle-age nurses were chatting about boys and "toys" and stuff. It was kind of disturbing....At least in college it's expected and [somewhat more] appropriate.
